Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
What happened with season 2? Ugh!
13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first season, and the first couple of episodes of season 2 were very promising as well.

Jessica Jones is one of my favourite Marvel characters, and in my opinion, she is perfectly portrayed by Krysten Ritter. She's just perfect for the role. Which is why I was extremely dismayed and disappointed by the lackluster effort the writers put into season 2. Because let's be honest here: season 2 sux big time. The introduction of Jessica's long-lost mother was the last straw that ruined the show for me. Well, the 2nd season at least. Bringing back Jessica's supposedly dead mother is not a no-go per se, better writers, better directors could have certainly done a good job with that storyline, I imagine. But this? No, just no. What were they thinking??

Moreover, the whole storyline with the lawyer and the PI was unnecessary, like a whole, independent plotline that had almost no overlap with the main plot for most of the season. If they wanted to keep the lawyer as a character in the show, they should have done a better job of including her into the show's main plot. I always welcome LGBTQ+ characters in TV and film, so I would be amongst the first to find it, well, let's say questionable, to suddenly get rid of a gay character. But here? The writers, directors, whoever, obviously were quite desperate to keep the strong, successful, female, lesbian lawyer in the show, but ran totally out of ideas on how to actually include her in the story. This is laughable. Embarrassing, really. If this is all that they could come up with for her, then maybe they should have better written her out of season 2!

Season 2 -- what an enormous let-down.

Overall rating is rounded up to seven, because season 1 was absolutely awesome. All actors do a great job throughout the whole show, season 2 included. Looking forward to season 3, hopefully the writers come up with some better ideas then.
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