An after-school special without the "special"
13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I put this movie on to have something going on in the background and it wasn't even good enough for that. It opened with the main actor in makeup that I think was supposed to look like his flesh was disappearing and thus showing the muscles and nastiness of the inner head...but it really looked like his head was swapped with a meat balloon. And I would think that as the flesh on the top becomes invisible, the head would appear smaller, however, the this disappearing head seemed to be getting much larger. And I had to turn it off when his invisible dog got loose and he was pretending it was pulling away from him but it really just looked like he was break dancing for the first time and also on crack. Last time I was pulled I dont remember my legs pushing me along. Then a car hit the invisible dog and it turned into a crappy white stuffed animal. Soooo...Oh and here's a kid with a frigging "hard part" haircut. I'm done. Off.
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