The Tick (1994–1997)
Ick! It's The Tick!
12 March 2018
The dictionary defines a "tick" as being a bloodsucking parasite that transmits disease.

Now - Never once did I ever see "The Tick" suck any blood or transmit any disease - But - When it came to being a parasite - Yep - He was one of the most obnoxious, irksome, loud-mouthed, in-your-face pests (aka. parasite) ever created as an animated superhero.

And, with that in mind - I found that one of the biggest and most annoying problems with this empty-headed, ill-conceived TV series was that it gave one the clear impression that it was "cool" for "The Tick" to be this way.

Yet. The truth was - "The Tick" was downright despicable and utterly vile with his over-inflated ego, bulging muscles, and constantly flapping gums.

Yes. I do realize that this animated TV series (from 1994) was, indeed, intended to be a parody of superheroism - But, regardless of this - I found that all that it ended up doing was reducing every superhero cliche to the level of being the most hatefully sneering cynicism imaginable.

And, sure enough - After only just a short while "The Tick" (and his annoying shtick) lost its amusement-factor completely.
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