Review of The Secret

The Secret (1955)
A Knockout! Don't Miss!!!
11 March 2018
Caught this virtually unknown British crime film recently, only because I enjoy almost any British feature made in the early 1950s. Wasn't expecting much, but what a surprise! The Secret's unusual plot line involves a police search for a missing mother of two children, who is feared drowned in the sea off Brighton. The brilliant Sam Wanamaker, in exile in Britain due to fears of McCarthyism back home, leads a very capable cast. There are believable and touching performances all around, with special mentions going to André Morell and to child actress 'Mandy' (Katie Martin). The Eastmancolor in the print I viewed was badly faded, but it was easy to see how beautiful The Secret must have looked when first released in 1955. The location filming all over Brighton is a treat, and Cy Endfield's direction is more than competent. So glad I saw this knocked me out.
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