Adroit Assembly-Line Comedy
11 March 2018
The plot of 'The Night Club' is a rather slapdash rehash of various tried and trusted comic situations - the millionaire playboy renouncing women and then his fortune when he changes his mind, and so on - but comes up a winner through the stature of its cast and a slick production.

With his round eyes and his moustache, Raymond Griffith somewhat resembles Jerry Colonna as he nimbly bounds through this yarn set in an unspecified Latin American country, where he find himself pursued with deadly intent by local bandit Wallace Beery on a bicycle.

Both Vera Reynolds and Louise Fazenda are robust ladies about the same height as Griffith himself; the latter unusually and enjoyably sexy & Amazonian as Beery's passionate Latin mistress who likes it when Griffith treats her rough.
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