Glad I ignored the bad reviews...
10 March 2018
Because it's a good movie.

Let me start with this: I didn't watch Cloverfield because I couldn't stand first person camera view movies. People say it's good, I'm a sci-fi lover, but I just can't. So I can only read what it's about, but don't know the details. I did watch Ten Cloverfield Lane, though, and I love it.

If I may venture a guess, I think this is some kind of prequel. This is what happens to cause the things that happen in Cloverfield and Ten Cloverfield Lane. And I'm telling you, ignore the bad reviews, because it's good. Good story with good direction and great cast with great acting. The suspense is good, the gore is not over the top, and the script provides emotional moments that the cast deliver very efficiently.

If there are any flaws, it's probably just the pace, which is a bit slow and predictable twists. There are also some plot holes that doesn't really bug me. I would've given it a 9 if it weren't for them.
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