Patriot (2015–2018)
Neither comedy, nor drama and trying too hard to be quirky
9 March 2018
I really don't understand how this receives so many positive reviews. I couldn't get through the pilot and turned it off after 43 mins because as quirky as singing your days' experiences for therapy is, if such odd behaviour is going to be the basis of a comedy, it's certainly lost on me, as I found little humour or even drama in it. It looks to me like the remainder of the series is going to consist of a supposed intelligence asset walking into ridiculous situations either of his own making or thrust open him by the complexities of balancing a NOC's existence. I suppose some novelty could be found in such chaos, but I imagine not enough to keep me interested till the end of the fist episode never mind a whole series. The episode was well acted and had some recognisable faces, but the script seemed to be trying too hard to be in the same vein as a Coen Bros. production without success and ultimately became irritating and yet equally drab at times.
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