I Spit On Your Grave 3 cuts through the familiar formula only for it to become bloody boring blandness.
8 March 2018
It's a sequel people, a continuation from the first controversial instalment that had viewers looking away from screens due to the sheer amount of blood, torture and obscenity. After the previous chapter, which felt all too familiar, they changed things up slightly. Following from the events of the first film, Jennifer ditches her career aspirations to become an assault hotline operator and attend group counselling sessions in order to heal her scarring experience. She develops a bond with a girl who is then mysteriously murdered. What does Jennifer do? She lures and traps these unpunished rapists/murderers and kills them in the only way possible...brutally. Stab a neck, slice a man's "Crown Jewels" (only way I could think of politely describing it) in half and even shoving a huge pipe and hammering it up someone's...well, you get the idea. That's all well and good if you have a sadistic mind, but I'm afraid that's only 7 minutes of the film. The remaining 84 minutes are bad. Just plain bad. Firstly, I actually found this film to be the most distasteful. Not because of the vivid torture scenes, which actually are few and far between in this chapter, but due to the depiction of men. Apparently we are all rapists and only live to have sex because it's the only thing we think about constantly. Nearly every male character is depicted to be disgusting, and it's offensively unrealistic. Clearly aiming for a female empowerment thriller, yet it misses and then some due to the horrendous one sided perspective. The screenplay isn't intelligent enough to make us sympathise with Jennifer, so it's just watching a woman kill men with a minimal amount of psychological analysis of her mental stability. She becomes disillusioned with society, unable to differentiate between well-meaning men and sexual predators. But the boring plot and unexciting dialogue never fully explores this. The acting was mediocre also. For a film that breaks its own formula, it feels more familiar than ever.
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