Decent Jungle Comedy from Lenzi
7 March 2018
Daughter of the Jungle (1982)

** (out of 4)

Ringo (Rodolfo Bigotti) and Butch (Renato Miracco) decide to take a trip to the Amazon. When they boat runs out of gas they end up lost in the jungle. After a little walk they run into a strange tribe but after an even further walk they run into Luana (Sabrina Siani), a beautiful jungle girl who they decide to call Jane (after Tarzan).

Umberto Lenzi's DAUGHTER OF THE JUNGLE is an Italian comedy that really isn't all that funny but at the same time I must admit that it kept me more entertained than I thought it would. The film was obviously shot on a low-budget and for the most part I didn't find it funny at all but at the same time there's no question that Lenzi knew how to film in a jungle and that is the reason to watch this.

Comedy is a very subjective thing so perhaps some will get more laughs out of this picture but I really thought the two male leads were extremely annoying. I know their act was meant to be funny but I find it more annoying than anything else and the English dubbing really didn't help things. Another problem with the film is that it looks rather ugly as there's certainly nothing overly good about the cinematography.

With that said, the film does feature some wildlife (large snakes, elephants, hippos) and this helps keep it entertaining. Siani is also an extremely attractive woman and seeing her run around naked was another plus. I also thought Lenzi handled the jungle locations extremely well but one does wish that he had spoofed up his cannibal films a bit more.
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