Desire (2017)
This is what happens when cinema is done without love
26 February 2018
This movie could be best described as what we Argentinians call a "bazofia" (piece of shit). Our cinema is funded by a corrupt organisation called INCAA which never heps developing or underground artists who have interesting proposals to offer. No. Instead, it finances mediocre directors such as Diego Kaplan who as an opportunist, casts a model who has been lately in the news because of an affair she was victim to. The problem is, the girl can´t act, she is stiff, unexpresive almost to the point of making you cringe. The rest of the cast is no better (well, maybe a tad better).The movie tries to be controversial, sensual and a little pervert but fails in every department. It is not even soft porn.

Bearing a failed composition taken from vintage love novels, the movie takes the fight of feminism and insults it in very way. The representation is shameful and so is the script, the "humour", the "drama" and everything else. This is really a hideous spectacle.

I can't begin to imagine the feeling of hundreds of talented Argentinian cinematographers who have to see movies like this being made and exported while their budget is not even enough to finish their productions. Meanwhile, the arts institute of Argentina (INCAA) run by ignorants, money grabbers and corrupt politicians is looking for the next yellow celebrity to produce in a haste the next horror show.
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