a movi (book) Papillon rip off ...
25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Up until when the 4 prisoners escape and end up in another island, the movie is tolerable enough, although at the rather heavy price of forgiving quite a number of flaws in both the story as well as the movie making style ...

but when they reach the leper colony and then Jim Brown 'wins' that village woman after he kills her husband in self-defense and the movie starts copying the famous (mostly fake stories) book and its movie Papillon almost frame by frame, i just quit watching it seriously and started checking my emails and Facebook account and doing other stuff ... (and i wouldn't have given it more than 3/10 * anyway! actually, even the movie Papillon itself isn't much of a thing really compared to its book but it does beat this one surely, which was screened about a month after the original reportedly ... such a rip off indeed!)

all n all, if people want to make porn but they're not sure if it will sell as much as a big screen adventure movie mixed with some low grade nude scenes and cheap sex, take my advice: quit doing both if you're as untalented as the one who made this movie and think of more secure daytime job or something! (how 'bout an associate position in one of Amazon's warehouses?)
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