Quirky Social Drama
21 February 2018
A real film about real people in real situations - at least until the second half when it totally becomes beserker. Its a great film and showcase for swedish actress Leonore Ekstrand who currently has probably the best chances to win the Silver Berlin bear for her brave and unique performance. A strong performance that pulls everything out of her. The poster is a bit misleading . During the first half the film is a strong social drama with many everyday's aspects. During the second half it turns into something like Kill Bill, which is fun, because that mix absolutey works. Mostly thanks to the work of Ekstrand and also her costar Christer Levin. Its surely not a film for everybody but if you can connect to the lead character its easy to appreciate and enjoy. The film also lives from a great soundtrack and a solid enough screenplay. Was not the biggest fan of the ambitious ending but other than that it worked as a quirky social drama - and in that case it invented a new genre.
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