Black Panther (2018)
An evolving Black Panther review
21 February 2018
This is my first public movie review. So I will keep it 100 percent positive i.e. all things good. I want to start with positivity. It was a good movie. Solid 7/10.

Chadwick Boseman, playing the protagonist King T'Challa/Black Panther, has nailed the parts of "a good man", "king" and "warrior". The Kingship, channeled through his acting, peaked in the scene where he raises his voice in front of the preceding black panthers (in 2nd limbo/dream/ other world sequence) to make a point, his point, a point to bring change, a point that challenges the orthodox thoughts of the preceding Kings/Black Panthers. That is the sequence when the audience learns that the King has arrived(BAM!!). Killmonger, the antagonist , has also been acted very well. Michael B. Jordan, as Killmonger, brought a mean/maniacal/destroyer look to him, which was enhanced by the upper body scars created by the makeup department, each scar stood for a kill. (There may be a technical term for the scars, Please comment if you know). Martin Freeman's character could have been more explored, because to me his look was too similar to BBC Sherlock's Dr. Watson. I was getting confused as to why or what Dr. Watson was doing in Wakanda? (Watson-Wakanda, maybe there is some connection.)

There were multiple story arcs that were pondered upon in the film. The rise of a king, the revenge of an outcast (outcasted without his fault), a general's loyalty towards throne or the man sitting on the throne, a son dealing with demons created by his father and many more. On a personal note, I think the arc of Killmonger could have easily been taken to some other direction. His character has got such enriched background and history that so much more could have been done with his character.

The visual effects were superb. Scenes such as the entrance to Wakanda, the dreamland/limbo sequence, the Black panther cave, the Vibranium structured city stood out amongst many others.

Another uplifting thing about the movie was the comedy. The comedy that erupted between King brother and prodigy-scientist sister and between Dr.watson and Man-ape/M'Baku were the ones that stood out for me. I could narrate some of them in fresh fashion but I do not want to spoil the joke! So just watch it yourself.

Costume design in the movie is another area that must be applauded. The Black Panther's costume is like Deadpool's costume. There is nothing fake about it. You don't need to CGI it. You can put a jacked dude in that costume and you've got yourselves a Black panther, looking person. It just feels real. The vibrant costumes worn by all the cast such as Queen mother and different tribes and people of Wakanda had a fresh feel to it. The costume design was as unique as Wakanda is supposed to be.

Overall a good movie. Worth a watch in a theatre.

SUMMARY- A "good MAN" must become flexible in his/her ways if duties of "a king" are to be performed aptly.
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