Review of Sam

Sam (XI) (2017)
Watch until the end.
18 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Basically - stick with it until the end. The first fifteen minutes seem awkward and rushed. We are given the idea that 'Sam' is a horrible person. Then Sam gets his come-uppance and becomes 'Samantha'. This is when the movie gets going and is all the better for it. There are no gratuitous nude shots to prove 'Sam' has lost some bits and gained others. Acting wise Natalie Knepp is excellent in the role and the character of 'Doc' gets better as the film progresses. Natalie Knepp is funny and endearing as the 'Dude' in a womans body. When she blossoms in to the beautiful woman we expect, she still carries a mischevious air of the man still lurking inside. This is a much more modern take on movies such as 'Switch'. The idea of gender inequality is tackled, workplace sexual predators and the reason why women often seem 'clued-in' while us guys are confused about life and relationships. I loved the ending and I will say no more than that. Give it a chance, I think you may be suprised.
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