The Hatching (2014)
A crocodile is a dangerous animal
16 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Three boys escape on their bikes on the backdrop of a full moon to take an unauthorized tour and crocodile egg robbery at the Zoolyard Garden.Similar to Thunderdome, 3 kids enter, 2 kids leave. Tim, one of the boys moves out of town and leaves his eggs behind. 15 years later Tim (Andrew Lee Potts) returns to town and reunites with his friend Baghi (Muzz Khan).

The town has some quirky characters including Uncle Stan (Justin Lee Collins) who likes snakes. The first hour of the film, things go slow. At an hour we get a twist and a change in direction. These regular crocs lived for 15 years in the moors of Somerset warm water, although not once did anyone espy them sunning themselves. These are regular crocs and not Lake Placid genetically modified dinosaur crocs. Once you get past that, the scene on the cover is not in the film either.

Four real crocs and two fake ones (and it is sooo easy to tell the difference) were used for the film. This is a horror comedy and was a bit light on both. Certainly would have more appeal to a British audience who enjoy subtleties than an American audience who feast on blood and action.

Guide: F-word, sex. No nudity. Soft 3 stars
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