Flat earth on the types of plastics causing the problme
15 February 2018
This film is so anxious to blame the US with its net non recycled production of all plastic slightly higher than Europe that it fails to even mention once that the types of plastics that are believed by the science to be the biggest contributors are in fact sourced form Asia and Europe at much higher rate per capita. It also when needed for its narrative switches between consumption and production, as if Europe's higher consumption than production makes it more benign. kind of reminds me of "Inconvenient Truth" and its manipulation of data, making the US the leading contributor to carbon output when not mention hat because of the huge efficiencies of the US, the US is producing more goods and food with less carbon per ton grown than Asia, Africa or Europe. The reason for the low acceptance of the science on global warming is an effect of the obscene level of manipulation of figures on production and consumption to resulting production, that allows the US to be blamed, and using this to rationalize subjecting the US to super-national redistribution of money and wealth. The science on the problem is real, the science on the solutions is flat earth junk science and statistical manipulation. Productivity in its ratio to carbon and plastic use matters.

the makers of this film would have been much better off in science communications if they had stuck to the science, instead of promulgating poltical diatribes that do not stand scrutiny of some basic logical controls
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