Clint Eastwood is a Genius, Amazing Movie!
11 February 2018
Nobody but Clint Eastwood could have taken this terrorist event and turned it into a 90 minute movie. Mr. Eastwood brilliantly let the real life heroes star as themselves in the movie.

As I watched the movie I kept reminding myself that these guys are the real heroes. And that helped keep the excitement level up.

Mr. Eastwood knew the men are not real actors but being the American patriot that he is, he let the actual heroes star in the movie as a reward for their brave act.

He knows this decision will probably cost a few dollars at the boxoffice, but he felt it was the right thing to do.

Clint Eastwood is a great actor, a great director, an American patriot and a living legend.

Go see "The 15:17 to Paris" with patience, an open mind and love of America. These heroes made us all proud....and America needs all the pride we can get right now.
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