Review of She

The Good Doctor: She (2018)
Season 1, Episode 14
"She" (#1.14)
8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is rather safe to say that I have been really enjoying "The Good Doctor," but it seems to be in a rough spot lately. I hope that it can pull itself out of this tough place and improve because I would be really sad to let go of this show. It seems that, ever since the mid-season finale -- "Sacrifice" (#1.10) -- the show has lost its footing. This is especially apparent with the most recent two episodes. What is with the sudden need to push a political agenda? This is coming from someone who is liberal: I don't like it. At all. Just stick to good storytelling! It never hurt anybody! I am not the only one who is getting turned off by this. Several others have shared how much it has bothered them, too.

Take the previous episode as an example: Shaun accused a Muslim patient of being terrorist. All that could go through my head was this: Seriously? Seriously?! Are you even serious right now?!

Religion has absolutely NO basis on whether someone is a terrorist or not. You would think that someone as intelligent as Shaun would understand this but apparently I was wrong. This was extremely offensive and I could see how many would be inclined to give up then and there, but I let it go at that. Then comes "She" . . . and I thought it could not get any worse.

Shaun refuses to use Quinn's preferred pronoun after several occurrences of being corrected. He doesn't understand it. Yes, I get that. Many don't and many won't because they will not look beyond what they don't understand. But not only does he neglect from respecting Quinn's wishes, he berates her by, as Dr. Jared Kalu says, "playing 20 questions." Couldn't Shaun just suspend disbelief for a mere 10 minutes and do his job? Does he have no filter?

I am hating how the writers are casting Shaun in this role of unwavering discrimination. In the first of half of the season, he has made unbelievable progress -- yes, unbelieve progress! Why destroy that? Why are we back-tracking? It is counterproductive. Instead of developing Shaun's character, which they were doing so well with at first, they have seem to have decided to return to the Shaun that was left behind months ago. Come on!

The best way to sum this episode up is by using Dr. Morgan Reznick's own words, which were: "Everyone has an agenda. Sometimes it's conscious, sometimes it's not, but it's always there."

It's clear that the writers were not even trying to hide it. And speaking of Morgan, I already strongly dislike her character. She made it very clear that she has no time for friends and is only there to do one thing: block everyone out and only look at medicine as if it is a game. She is not afraid to undermine others, either. She can go and I would not at all be bothered. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Morgan!

Also, I am impressed by how little of an appearance Kenny made. (Someone else also mentioned this and I am as equally impressed.) He was in nearly every promotional image, and despite that, he was barely there. I am looking forward to seeing more of him, though!

In the end, I am disappointed. I love this show. I really do. But if it continues this way, I am out. I give "She" a 6.1/10, and that is me being magnanimous.
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