When the sequel is better than the initial movie.
7 February 2018
This film was a sequel to "The Robe" and was immediately shot after the end of this film, retaining the cast, crew and sets. However, they present us a better script: it's still necessary to make an effort to believe in all the story, but it's credibility has generally improved. One of the most unbelievable moments its when Caligula orders to confiscate Jesus tunic believing that it could confer some power to him, when he saw himself as a god. But these far-fetched moments are punctual. The absence of Richard Burton, which I didn't like to see in the first film due to his bad acting, was another improvement, allowing Demetrius to come out and be the center of our attention. His course throughout the film will be an efficient and effective test of faith. These character was played by Victor Mature, who gives us a very good work. Michael Rennie had little time to show his talent but never seemed quite alright in the role of St. Peter while, on the other hand, Susan Hayward was perfect in the role of the Machiavellian and treacherous Messalina. Jay Robinson retained the role of Caligula, who performed with quality and panache but no big surprises. Debra Paget played a minor role, as a love interest for Demetrius, but what she did was well done. Much more interesting was William Marshall, who gave life to an African gladiator who is converted to Christianity by the example of his companion in the arena. Sets and costumes result from the recycling of material used in "The Robe", so there are no surprises or improvements. These material, however, is considerably better, more convincing and historically accurate than what we can see in some much more famous and successful biblical films of this period.

So, far from being a rehab for "The Robe", this movie seems to have learned from the mistakes of that film, being better and more enjoyable in almost every aspect. However, perfection or artistry is still far from being achieved.
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