The Flash: True Colors (2018)
Season 4, Episode 13
True Colors = old gum
7 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this live and it was meh. Even the couple things I liked felt like afterthought crumbs. Barry using his brains just reminds me how much I despise Iris' and the team's purpose now. KF's pep talk was fun. That was about it. Leader Iris still just giving orders, expecting the team to deliver without her actually leading them. Cecile's and Ralph's new powers are just to move the plot along, aka writers pulling poop out of their behinds. Ralph better be slated for Legends given the amount of screen time he has, otherwise, he's reaching his expiration date, and I like him. The resolution to the imprisoned metas, Warden Wolfe, freeing Barry, and Devoe's repetitive next step were all perfunctorily dealt with, almost as if the writers couldn't bother to write anymore, which makes me wonder why I bothered to watch.

The blocking for the show has been very interesting for awhile but never more so than now with Barry out of the picture. The 1st Star Labs scene in this ep sums up everything wrong with the show: the Wests and Cecile at the main console with Iris in the main chair while Cisco and Caitlin are by a smaller console on the other side in the corner. The delineation is clearly marked, with only Ralph in the middle connecting the two, and this is reflected in the rest of the ep. This is fricking Star Labs, not Joe's house. Yet, that's what this season has been. It does confirm that even if Wally were to take over as Flash, it'd still be The Iris.

Overall, True Colors' flailing and wailing over Amunet's plan were merely to hide the fact the ep just recycled old plot lines, twists and developments. The result is a stale, bland nothing burger. Score: 5
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