The Flash: True Colors (2018)
Season 4, Episode 13
Shape Shifter
7 February 2018
You know how excited I was when Neil Sandilands name appeared in the opening credits of tonight's episode? It's hard to believe I'm saying that after how mediocre I felt his introduction was in the first few episodes as The Thinker, but I was really hoping that there would be some sort of huge reveal where he had been Clifford DeVoe all along instead of the average Kendrick Sampson performance. However, even after immediately seeing him stroll into the courtroom at the end, I knew it was short lived. And pretty much everything in this episode felt very convenient and contrived anyway.

First, we had Cecile last week possessing the ability to all of a sudden read minds and thoughts. This week we got the convenience of Ralph figuring out how to shapeshift into other people's bodies and use their voices? Doesn't this just seem too convenient? And even after the fake DeVoe comes into the courtroom, how does the judge not think about looking into the grave that DeVoe's body is buried in? Giving Barry his temporary freedom already? It felt like the writers wanted to do the Barry in prison arc without knowing the ultimate resolution. That's not to mention the whole Amunet side to all of this. Yikes.

As I said before, I love Katee Sackhoff as a person and an actor. I've been a fan for years, but her performance as Amunet has got to stop. It's the most ridiculously tone def and over-the-top performance in the Arrowverse in quite some time, and it's only getting worse. The writers are not helping her out in this regard.

On the good side of things, Hazard had a surprisingly effective arc as it's clear to me she's not the villain that The Thinker desired her to be but rather a person caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. That was good, but that was just about it this week.

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