Always spedcify "Grant" when you say "Withers"!
3 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, in stark contrast to the excellent work DVD companies have done for Gene Autry and Bill Boyd, Roy Rogers has been treated rather shabbily. Many of the titles on sale offer blurry, faded, out-of-focus pictures with garbled and/or muffled sound tracks. Even worse, the Trucolor entries are often presented in various shades of gray.

An exception is "Night Time in Nevada" (1948) which Mill Creek present in a well-graded black-and-white copy. I'd rather watch Trucolor, but even in black-and-white, the movie provides a feast for railroad buffs, plus fans of Grant Withers who turns in one of his most charismatic portrayals ever.

In fact, I think Sloan Nibley wrote his screenplay primarily with Withers in mind as the villain, and then added Roy, Andy Devine and the super-wonderful George Carleton who plays the crooked lawyer.
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