Dustin Finds a Gremlin
2 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 3 continues its heavy doses of nostalgic homage/parody/borrowing (whatever you want to call it) with it's use of the Gremlin-like creature that Dustin discovers in his trashcan. This appears to closely resemble the creature that Will coughed up at the end of Season 1. Meanwhile Eleven gets fed up with being cooped up and ventures back out into the world. Nancy & Jonathan devise a scheme to test whether the government agents really have left the town. Joyce discovers that Will's visions might not just be in his head.

A modest improvement over the first two episodes, this one actually manages to create a little tension with the use of Dart and the FBI's overarching wiretap of the town.

I'm not a huge fan of this will they/won't they relationship between Mike & El though. It's a very cliched plot device that should be reserved for less interesting young adult dramas. I hope that this isn't what this is turning into.
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