The Flash: Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 (2017)
Season 4, Episode 8
Freedom! Freedom! FREEDOM!!
28 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a continuation from the two episodes that aired on "Supergirl" and "Arrow," I think that this episode (once again) did a great job of keeping the tone and characters consistent with what we have seen so far. The writers of the individual shows have done a great job of keeping the feeling of all the shows intact and combining them with the right amount of elements from each one. There are some great character interactions and some very emotional moments between characters. And the writer did a great job of not making it seem overly sentimental; something that the writers on the "Arrow" episode didn't manage to do. So, in those terms, I think that episode had better writing, even though that wasn't the episodes strongest suit.

I love that this episode is set mainly on Earth-X. It's a dark and gritty world that we have not seen yet, because the main Earth is not like that. So they had a lot to do in terms of making Earth-X feel different, and they definitely managed to do that. There was a lot of Holocaust-like imagery in the episode, which makes sense given that the Nazis have full control of Earth-X. The exploration of some the characters on this Earth was also cool, and to see a Nazi version of Quentin Lance was almost too good to be true.

We were also introduced to the Freedom Fighters in this episode, led by none other than Winn Schott. That was a fun and cool twist that I did not see coming, as well as the fact that Leonard Snart was going to return in this episode, which was such a pleasant surprise. His presence on these shows are sorely missed, so these small chances to see him again are always cherished. In general, I thought the Freedom Fighters were very well-developed, and it made me excited to see the new animated series that they are making centering around these characters.

As usual, the final battle sequence is pretty impressive and very big in scope. The thing this battle has that is different to the others is a very emotional ending, with Dr. Stein getting shot by a Nazi. This could lead to speculations that the writers never meant to give Stein a normal life, but instead kill him of completely. I think that is a bold move, and even though I would have preferred for him to just go off and live with his family, I think that this decision is going to be the more emotional decision.

The episode had some weak points. And all of that goes back to the writing, because I don't think the writing was that strong on this episode. There were some very cringeworthy dialogue pieces that I thought belonged in a Disney Channel show. The episode also did their villains a huge disservice. The villains did nothing interesting in this episode, and I start to think their motivations for doing what they do is a bit weak. I believe there was a deeper solution that could have been decided, but if this is the way the showrunners went, then maybe it was the best.

The episode also tries too hard to make unecessary characters necessary. To the point where they almost give Felicity and Iris superpowers. They are able to overpower four highly-trained Nazi soldiers, without even receiving a scratch themselves. I think the episode would have been improved if they had gotten rid of Felicity and Iris completely.
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