Girls fighting in short skirts
24 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie hits you with a bunch of stuff that normal people won't follow. There is a mirror,a shield, a necklace, a sword, and the real sword. These are all related in a story with too much information to follow. But don't worry. You don't have to. The story line is simpler than the complex explanation: Good guys fight bad guys.

People fight in games in an alternate dimension, that is made virtual with ear pieces. It combines magical ancient oriental artifacts with Bluetooth technology. There is also an evil spirit that can be let loose which will make the games real. Maggie Q fights in a short skirt with stockings. She dates a man who was a former champion. But is really not her boyfriend...

While the fighters are having a meeting, a man (Rugal, Ray Park) decides to bring a gun to a fist fight, runs off with the artifacts, and physically goes into that other dimension. The CIA is monitoring the activity. Maggie Q is instructed to go find a man who is in a mental institution, one where all you have to do is go up to the front desk and ask to speak to a patient and they unlock the door for you.

Rugal has taken control of the games and issued a challenge to all the remaining reality fighters, except they don't know they will be fighting with their own lives!

Once he beats up all the fighters, he gets the title "King of Fighters" for what it is worth. (What is that? Like a level 72 in WOW?) At this point, unless Rugal (I would have named Nigel) wins and rules the world, the plot is predictable. Maggie is not much of an old world traditionalist. She likes the "R" word: reason. Sean Faris plays the son of a former fighter (the man in the mental institution). He is into Zen and motorcycle maintenance. (Oh! How did the writers ever come up with that! They should have made him a minor league baseball player and have him use his skills later on, a nice tie-in.)

On the plus side, women fight in short skirts. On the negative side: They needed to add a little humor. The movie had some funny lines except they were delivered in a stiff manner. David Leitch who played investigator Terry Bogard absolutely stank. He had the best lines in the movie and screwed them up. They really needed a funny Bruce Willis. The story line was fine, it could use a few tweaks, but the poor dry dialogue dragged the movie down. If you like girls fighting in short skirts in an alternate reality, try "Sucker Punch."

No sex, no nudity, no f-bombs. Near lesbian scene. Excessive amount of CG style fighting.
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