Offensive & Poor Attempt at Humour
23 January 2018
I want to see more female characters on screen and can't imagine anyone not supporting that - but this is just plain offensive to women everywhere.

There is nothing funny about this series. It is demeaning to women, sex workers, and the fact that two women made this and thought it was a great idea makes me so upset. How about empowering roles and stories about female characters? Did either of these creators even do their research about sex workers before writing this?

WHAT IS THE END GOAL? Did you ask yourselves why this story and why you should tell it? Perhaps if you had taken the time to do this, you wouldn't have created this for the public to see. What's the point of this series? If it's to entertain and make people laugh, I think majority of viewers will agree you did not succeed.

I hope you learn something from this and move forward creating more progressive stories with female characters. This is entire series is just disappointing. I don't want it to stop you from making content in the future, but let's be more smart about it next time - perhaps try having a diverse writers room or surround yourself with diverse story tellers who can help guide you so something like this doesn't happen again.
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