Black Mirror: Be Right Back (2013)
Season 2, Episode 1
"I wish I was there with you now."
22 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's interesting to see how television programs and movies keep pace with technology. Back in 1961, when the most advanced form of person to person communication relied on a dial telephone, the Twilight Zone episode 'Long Distance Call' had a recently departed grandmother talk to her grandson via a toy phone she gave him before she passed on. That story had a sinister element, in that the grandmother tried to talk the boy into joining her on the other side via suicide. Rod Serling recycled that theme later on in a fifth season episode titled 'Night Call', another venture into the nether regions between reality and the supernatural.

There were so many ways this story could have gone, and after Martha (Hayley Atwell) took the step of bringing Ash (Domnhall Gleeson) back to some semblance of 'resurrection', I thought she might have gone the suicide route to put her on the same plane of existence as her former boyfriend. Her pregnancy obviated that idea, but I'm wondering why she would not have been creeped out by the whole idea of a dead person 'coming back to life'. Sure there was that initial reaction of shock, but I'm not so sure eventual acceptance would have led to having sex with a faux Ash. So chalk one up for the developing sexbot industry here. If I had to guess, since I haven't seen all the Black Mirror episodes yet, there's probably one dealing with that subject as well. Or there will be.
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