Wholly disappointing, but almost on a comedic level.
21 January 2018
While I won't be suggesting King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table as a Bad Movie Night movie, it certainly couldn't hurt to be one. The inexperienced cast bit off far more than they could chew, largely unable to deliver their lines with any kind of emotional impact. The plot itself would have been more promising if the characterization and line delivery weren't all over the place.

The one saving grace were Russell Banks as Mordred and Sara Lane as Morgana, both of whom were (at times) carrying the full weight of good characterization. It's pretty sad when most of your main cast has worse acting talent than the side characters. (Side note: the men who played security should be taken more seriously as actors, their expressions and enunciation were much better than everyone else.)

This movie's not worth wasting your time on, but I would be lying if I said I didn't see potential in Sara Lane or Russell Banks. I hope some opportunities come their way in the future, with better scripts, directors, and coworkers, because the tragedy of this movie screwed them out of what was otherwise a decent performance.
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