Gantz: O (2016)
Impressive visuals n lots of monster action.
21 January 2018
Hav never been a fan of certain Japanese films due to their weird gore n story. Havent read any of their manga. As for the Gantz, without having any exposure to its video game, manga, anime n action films, i was pleasantly surprised n happy to see this movie on a dvd. Imagine the fun on big screen. In one word, Gantz:O is an impressive visual spectacle. The movie is filled with style, awesome action sequences n terrific monster designs. The monsters were good. The editing is top notch n thankfully the hand held cam stuff n quick cut editing is nada n most of the action happens in proper light so you can actually follow what is going on. The characters appeared realistic with their facial expressions n body language. After watching this movie, i have become a fan of the Gantz series n looking forward to its sequels. They hav included one weird scene, a weird old man transforms into a naked woman n then into multiple naked women... after all its a Jap movie.
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