Godless (2017)
20 January 2018
I really thought this show was overrated. The plot was decent but, it didn't keep you glued to the DVD. It felt like this show was trying to be authentic to the time but, it came off as very fake. My main issue is they had a female mayor who dressed in a male suit, this is totally unrealistic to the time and killed the entire vibe for me. One women could not vote in the 1800's it's very unlikely there were any female mayors anywhere in the US in the 1800's. Second you would never see a female wearing suits in the 1800's it's just not how things were back then. This show is another case of producers,writers, & directors using film as a means to push their own personal politics. Why do they insist on ruining period dramas by interjecting there own personal politics? Why can't they just keep everything authentic to the time, why do they need to change or tweak certain things to reflect the values of the writers,directors, and producers? Your job as a director,writer, producer is too make the best possible TV show or movie not to push your politics. Your profession is not a vehicle to push your personal politics and beliefs. You see the same thing with journalists, instead of informing their readers they instead try to advocate for their own personal politics. Unfortunately were seeing more and more of this, people using their chosen profession to advocate for their own personal politics.

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