Review of Dreamland

Dreamland (II) (2016)
The beauty of realistic expectations...
20 January 2018
My title would refer to my reception of this movie and not any particular theme in the movie. In short, I thought the movie was great...especially in light of the conspicuous lack of fanfare over it. I discovered it through Netflix's "related searches" function and I must admit, the stylish "Cocktails and Dreams" motif sold me on it.

One of the other reviewers mentioned that he/she didn't find the Mrs. Robinson character to be pretty and that she looked "old" in a few shots but that she was a good actress...well, how very magnanimous? I thought that she was also a good actress, but did the reviewer miss the point of her character? Common sense says, "yes." She might have looked "old" perhaps because she was an "older woman." Now, does this have much to do with her sensuous nature? Not to anyone who is relatively sophisticated. The point of her inclusion wasn't to present a centerpiece that would be coveted and fawned over, but to be an available sexual option that represented acceptance and opportunity.... That is the point of her character, not to be some sort of high status beauty queen. I would have thought that was obvious. More over, her apparent wrinkles in many scenes further serve to illustrate the urgency of her condition: fading beauty and quiet desperation. Her character was obviously a driving aspect of the movie, but the fact that the actress nailed the role while the script writers did such a great job with the character, boosted my appreciation for this film.
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