Pretty poorly done
20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. Our government creates a cyber system called the Temple, and, there are a thirteen of them distributed throughout the globe. Basically an AI without them stating as such. This AI has numerous abilities one of which is as the ultimate lie detector. Couple this with its apparent ability, never truly explained, to extract information from subjects. Complete visual and auditory information. Of course something goes wrong.

One of the Temples is located in the U.S. in an abandoned, modern prison facility. The facility is guarded by a spec ops team. When things go bad the on-site team is eliminated. Enter our cast. Another spec ops team. Ok now I try to be open minded but I grow really weary of Hollywood intersecting diminutive females into the teams. See see the all the time now. So enter Anne Hesche. A very mediocre actress whom we are expected to believe is a highly trained spec ops warrior. Never mind the rest of the team dwarfs her by at least a foot and a hundred pounds, she is put forth as the team bad-ass. Not buying it at all.

Plot has tons of holes bordering on incoherent. Smiles must really need cash after his jail time for tax evasion.
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