The Perfect Example of Style Over Substance
19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Chan Wook Park 'Revenge Trilogy' meets Quentin T 'Jackie Brown' - 'Grindhouse' Style

Fantastic follow-up to Tetsuya Nakashima's 'Confessions' ;; Bloody, stylish, beautiful, Insane .

Kanako lives in a world fulled with drugs, gangs, prostitution, and loneliness . She has the ability to allure anyone she pleases into a melodic trance of excitement and bliss , and she slowly destroys them within

Her father , ex-detective and fulltime drunk , is summoned to find his missing daughter whom he hasn't seen for 3 years . The father, with buried secrets of his own past, secretly wants to kill his daughter himself

Story about an angelic demon - whom everyone knows is evil, yet everyone still falls for her lustful trap

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