Review of Sam

Sam (XI) (2017)
Is this a real movie?
16 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Although I will admit to having slightly enjoyed this comedy, it doesn't feel like a real movie. It feels like a christian woman's guilty gay fanfiction. Thank god for Natalie Knepp, because the scenes when sam is a man are absolutely terrible. Bad acting? Poor screenplay? Horrible chemistry between the characters? Any of these is a good guess when it comes to the reason why the first fifteen minutes want to make you kill someone. Nothing makes any sense and the movie acts as if you should just disregard that and go with it. Sam as a man isn't just your run-of-the-mill rom-com asshole, he's a straight-up dick with no respect for anyone but himself, including his "best friend". Is it because he's apparently in love with him? Do these feelings only appear when he is a girl? All great questions the movie DOESN'T ANSWER. The love story makes NO SENSE and somehow it's still the best part about this movie. I have read work by children that makes more sense than this movie. If you expect a good movie, i suggest you move on to something else, if you're bored and have barely any standards, this is the movie for you.
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