Watchable.. I guess
11 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a very "Lifetime" or "ABC Family" or "Freeform" type of vibe to it, though maybe a bit darker.

Very early into the movie, we all know what's going on. The one redeeming thing about this movie, in my opinion, is the antagonist Indrid. Great acting from him, although sometimes way too over the top. It's hard to believe, though, that NONE of the characters could figure out what his intentions were from some of the dialogue he has.

A few of the actors sounded like they were reading off of a script, but I guess that comes with the territory of what I'm assuming was a straight to dvd/on demand movie.

Overall, I'd say it was a watchable movie. Would I ever watch it again, or even think about it? Definitely not. But if you've got time to kill and have a Netflix account, no harm in checking it out. I don't find myself feeling like I want my time back from watching, so it's not too bad.
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