The Duel (I) (2016)
Really dumb script
2 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The presence of Harrelson and Hemsworth as well as the plot outline sounded promising. But Harrelson overacts every scene and uses the annoying stereotyped mush-mouth drawl that made "The Cowboy Way" so unwatchable. His "Abraham" is presented as a sort of cult leader who appears to have healing powers and can cure sickness with a single touch. Hemsworth is Texas Ranger "David" and has a wife who immediately falls sick in Abraham's town and Abraham begins to tend to her a little too much. David notes that there are no Mexicans in the border town only to find that Abraham hates them, captures them and sells them to hunters who delight in tracking and killing them. Which fails to explain why Abraham is infatuated with David's wife, who is Mexican. We also never learn why she is infatuated with the crazed Abraham. Nor is the issue of Abraham's faith healing ever revisited in the film. It's as if by the second half of the film the writer forgot he put that in the first half. Ultimately David is forced to be hunted but given a rifle and bullets to make it interesting for the hunters. His first move is to shoot the man guarding the next batch of captured Mexicans and free them. But it never occurs to the Ranger to take the gun and ammo of that guard so he eventually runs out of bullets. And after he resolves the situation, the wounded Ranger rides off into the sunset (instead of returning to Ranger HQ) leaving his confused wife behind in the town we are subsequently told was abandoned. The movie gives the impression the script was written in about 10 minutes and was never double checked for continuity or even common sense.
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