An excellent adaptation of the book
2 January 2018
I was driven to write this by Charlie Peterson's baffling review, claiming that it is nothing like the book. I had watched and enjoyed the film, but then saw that review and so went back and read the book again.

It's a book with an awful lot of people talking and saying what they're thinking, which you simply can't drop straight into a film adaptation. However, the fundamental story line is maintained, along with almost all the characters. (A couple of very minor ones have been dropped, and one other minor one is introduced.)

You can't turn a book like this verbatim into a film, but this is a really good effort and very well done indeed. It captures the atmosphere and the story telling of the book excellently. To fuss that you can spot tiny differences is simply splitting hairs.

There are really bad adaptations out there - The Secret of Chimneys with Julia McKenzie for instance is quite dreadful - but where that film scores less than 1% for faithfulness to the book, Nemesis scores well over 90%.

Worth seeing - whether or not you have read the book.
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