Review of Two Pigeons

Two Pigeons (2017)
1 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Malvert sometimes pees red, but this time, he does a lot worse.

It would be hard to review this movie without somewhat of a spoiler. I won't spoil this until the end, but suffice to say, sadly, the last 5 minutes or so undermines the entire film. Even down a star in rating this.

Leading up to that 5 minutes is thoroughly original, interesting and simultaneously, disgusting. An unusually tall, extraordinarily thin and oddball man seems to escape notice as he, unbeknownst to the owner of the flat, cohabits the place.

Our "protagonist" carries on about his business in his place while the literal stick-figure lurks out and about the apartment when the owner is either away or asleep. This intruder uses the owner's stuff and in most cases, does some nasty things to it. To the point of the owner getting fairly ill.

Oh, and not to mention, he's also sabotaging his work life, sex life and friendships. Talk about a Single White Male.

While I'm not into spoiler territory yet, it's a concept that's both creepy and highly unlikely. How this man does not catch the hidden tall-troll almost immediately is a tad far-fetched. Sure, he's a pothead and very straight - he'll prove that time and time again. (By that "straight jab," I mean the majority of straight men I've met are pretty oblivious to obvious signs around them. Not to stereotype, but that seems like the norm, from my perspective.) So, it's likely he'd miss the stranger in his place for a bit, but realistically, I believe most would catch on early enough.

Regardless, it's worth seeing and making you wonder if there's someone else in your residence when the cat's away.


Final thoughts: Ok, now for spoilers and you have been alerted. Of course, he's gonna find the other person living mostly under his bed. But, when he does, he has one of the most unrealistic encounters and reaction, it was as if the writer/director just gave up in the ending. Especially when they established the owner was ready to do battle. Sad. This little, effective indie built up so much for it to completely fall apart in the closing.
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