Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
Hang the DJ is a darkly comical look at modern romance; an overall beautiful, heartbreaking episode
30 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hang the DJ is the Tinder-style episode of Black Mirror - which I was hoping for. An episode I feel is similar in style to season 3's San Junipero - and of course, because I love SJ and it's take on love, I loved this episode, too. Here, Charlie Brooker takes a lighter approach - well light in terms of Black Mirror, which in general is still shrouded in darkness - with a message that is positive: go for what you believe in. And, in all honesty it might just be the seasons best - and one of my favourite of the entire series run.

In this Black Mirror society, a technology exists called Coach; in the style of Tinder it picks out matches for you. However, here you are paired with certain people - without question or the ability to decline - and are coupled with them for a certain amount of time - all until Coach finds your 'perfect match'. Our characters are Frank and Amy, who - to their recollection - are trying out Coach for the first time, and find themselves paired together. After only being given 12 hours together, and subsequently forced into a number of lackluster relationships, Frank and Amy attempt to find themselves back to each other.

I can't talk about this episode without mentioning it's ending twist; it was truly beautiful and executed brilliantly. After both being told their 'perfect match' is waiting, Frank and Amy meet up at their usual booth for one last moment to say goodbye. Together, they decide to rebel and climb the wall to leave - having discussed their theories together that what they're in is not real. The revelation comes as they climb the wall, and the simulation is stripped away to reveal they have attempted this break-out 998 times - and as a result are ready to leave. That moment when everything clicked into place has to be one of my favourite TV moments of 2017 - and the final scene in the bar with 'Panic' by The Smiths ended the episode beautifully.

Joe Cole and Georgina Campbell are the heart of this episode, and their performances are truly mesmerising. They have a natural chemistry together, which makes their awkward first date scenes both heartwarming and hilariously funny. The set of the episodes society is very visually stunning also - again, reminiscent of San Junipero. And admittedly, as a fan of Charlie Brooker's darkest stories possible, I cannot deny my love for this episode - a refreshing break from season 4's darkness up until this point.

To wrap up, Hang the DJ is a brilliantly beautiful episode of Black Mirror with, in my opinion, one of the most relevant and positive messages of the series run. For me, this is season 4's standout; an all-round fantastic television experience.
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