Just eat Deb already, for crying out loud!
30 December 2017
I'm a fan of well made zombie-comedies (Shaun of the Dead, Wormwood, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse), and even the odd zombie-romance (Warm Bodies), and I can appreciate any horror movie that's 'so bad it's good/funny'...

this is NOT in those categories.

Deb was described as "endearingly awkward" in the movie blurb.

I guess you could say that she is... in the same way as the axe murderer chopping your legs off and reciting random poetry or prose is 'endearingly awkward'.

To cut to the short strokes: Main characters= annoying or non entities Dialogue = on the whole, deeply awful, wooden and unsatisfying Humour = pretty much non-existent

All in all, I'd say give it a burl if you can't sleep or have watched absolutely every single other movie in existence, and you have absolutely nothing better to do (be aware that at this point, cleaning a toilet bowl with a toothbrush would be a better thing to do from my perspective). Aside from that, it's just over an hour of your life that you'll never get back.
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