Thriller: The Eyes Have It (1973)
Season 1, Episode 9
Another cracking Thriller
29 December 2017
The premise is certainly different, a school for the blind is used as the base for an assassination, the only person with sight is killed. The residents must use their senses to defeat the criminals.

This is another fantastic episode from Thriller's first series, following on from File under Fear in real style. So much suspense and tension, you're watching just waiting for Sally to discover the body, you're waiting to see how the students can tackle the terrorists, it is so cleverly worked. Peter Vaughan is fabulous as always, he always managed to play the bad guy with such vigour, he is sinister, but so measured, a great performance. Sinead Cusack is the reverse, so fragile and soft, but dogged and brave, she makes Sally such a great character. I thought the subplot of the antagonism between the terrorists was clever also, and key in many ways to the plot.

Some great moments including the arrival of the Police, Sally's desperation to speak to them, and the moment where George Mullard is shot and Sally watches blankly, so much to intrigue.

Very watchable, 8/10
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