Black Mirror: Hang the DJ (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
The most human and genuine Black Mirror has ever been, this side of San Junipero.
29 December 2017
Might be the romantic in me speaking, but this is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series, and so far, my personal standout for S4. Brooker's commentary is delivered with a strong sense of purpose, unlike some episodes that I personally think become quite self-indulgent (looking at you, Playtest). The chemistry between the leads feels genuine and infectious, and even with the short 50-minute runtime, the progression felt natural and by the end, I cared about these two characters more than any others in the series, aside from the leads in San Junipero. This episode feels timely, relevant, and gets to the core of human emotion without delving into melodrama and heavy-handedness. I think it's a bit short and the last ten minutes seem far too rushed, but I can't help but feel this is one of the best examples of Brooker writing an intriguing concept and translating it to screen with engaging visuals and performances. It's a nice reminder in the midst of the chaos, depression, and fear that Black Mirror frequently indulges in that Brooker is still human after all.
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