The Caligula you didn't see
23 December 2017
The spinoff or this independent effort of our vile and merciless prince, is something of a sleazy indulgence, lasting over two hours. Highly pornographic, this movie is- be warned, one orgy scene involving c**ks*****g and there are other scenes, had me wondering at one point, if I actually had obtained the X version. Nasty violence doesn't go astray in this surprisingly well made film, where our dark skinned beauty (Gemser- Emmanuelle's Daughter) seeks revenge on the slaying of her girlfriend, an innocent beauty, at the brutal hand of our loathed and notorious prince. This is pretty hardcore stuff, and inevitably there will be those who'll be offended and shocked, and of course, this is what we perceive it as: something made for those two reasons, but it's a bit more than that too. The acting is very good, our Caligula here, one with a very distinguished and cruel face, though of course, it's not Oscar worthy. Our Caligula softens up in the last twenty minutes, but could it be too late to change his evil ways? With much appeal, this Caligula is much more engaging, than the original. You could say weirdly engaging, and our engaging beauty, Gemser, enhances the film's appeal some. An untold story, gladly told in all it's shock, frankness, and splendor, that redeems itself into much cleaner territory, in it's last twenty minutes.
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