Sharing Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Stop me if you've heard this before.....
21 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A beautiful woman takes over the family business (in this case, a Christmas shop, of all things, although it could be a cookie factory or a Christmas village or a tree farm, or a lodge) and then gets a letter from the landlord saying the building has been sold and they have 30 days to vacate. Of course, this takes place on December 1 so they have be out by the 31st. Surprise Surprise... the landlord just happens to run into the tenant (quite literally) and finds himself in her shop buying a Christmas ornament, or a tree or eating a cookie, although he has neither use nor need of Christmas or holidays or relationships. . She has no idea he's the man kicking her out and tells him about the eviction notice. Now, he could tell her who he is, but doesn't, and we're really not sure why. (Jake didn't tell Hannah who he was in 'Christmas Cookies', either). Instead he gives her options, one of them is to fight it the eviction and then even comes over to her side to keep the shop or the village or the lodge or the farm or the cookie company from having to close down or move or be taken over.... Well, you get the drift. How am I doing so far?

Ok, Let's start a drinking game. For every hallmark Christmas movie that shares the same theme, plot line, characters, last minute twist and outcome, chug a brew of your choice. If you've really been paying attention to the movies, you will put away a couple of 6 packs. Yes, dear readers, of the recent crop of HMC movies to incorporate the exact same plot line, you'll have to count to 11. (Possibly more. I haven't watched all of them. I actually do have a life... of sorts). There is always the couple who start out hating or disliking or having some conflict with each other in one way or another, yet 30 minutes into the movie they seem to magically become drawn together. The man is usually a no nonsense businessman who sees money above sentiment (or in the case of the movie Christmas Cookies, that character is played by a woman). I could go on ad nauseum, but you get the point.

Oh, by the way, care to venture a guess as to how it ends? Yup, you're right. That's how it ends, because that's how ALL HMC movies end... happily ever after. This one is no different. There are no surprises. There never are. For the marathon Hallmark Christmas movie junkies, this is pleasant enough fare. The actors are pleasant; the dialogue is pleasant; the scenery is pleasant; the music is pleasant; the ending is pleasant; and, as usual, the snow is fake.
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