Calling a film boring is boring, but this film is boring.
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Boring characters that are never really fleshed out or given any depths and development do weird stuff the film doesn't bother to explain. I made it until 1 hour in and finally surrendered due to complete detachment to anything that was going on. For the entire time I had no idea who any of the guys were and of what importance the tablet was. Some random bad guys in black uniforms were chasing some random girl that apprently likes to escape into a dream realm processing problems she is confronted with subconsciously in her life. Or whatever... It's impossible to care about anything since it's all just a big blur of uninteresting scenarios. I'm sure in the end one will get an explanation that ties all the open ends together and makes sense of this big mess by drawing some connections and explaining the relevance of her name, the tablet, her mother etc. But I wasn't willing to waste 2 hours of my life being bored and then getting a half-assed standard 101 anime plot.

Thanks, but I will stick with Chihiro, Paprika, Perfect Blue and so on.
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