what happens every time "classic" stories are adapted to anime
19 December 2017
Anime can do something few other media can do (well). Take a ridiculous, totally insane premise, and adapt it into an over the top, fun as hell spectacle.

This is not that!

This Anime has the same problems as many anime that try to adapt "classic" stories that weren't meant for anime. Sure the animation and character design is fancy, but the story? OMG its so terrible. What is it with these anime and being so into "trading"? Like that one with the wolf goddess....I thought I would see some fun banter between an out of touch god and a human, but no its was all about market value of coins and such.

Sinbad is similar, there is promise of epic battles with Djin Powers etc, that always only takes up a very small part of any episode. The rest is non existent or rushed character development, non relatable characters, and talk about creating a trading empire. sorry but if I wanted that I would go to business school.

I could go on but the first season of this anime bored me so much, that I will just stop here as I stopped watching.

good day
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