WTF is wrong with you people?! It is a good movie! :D
14 December 2017
Won't post any spoilers, but reading all these bad reviews: I just have to set this straight.

First of are any of you fans at all? Do not sound like it, it borrowed from the old movies in a good way, while it was it's own thing.

It is visually stunning for sure, the music is of course awesome!

It is ALOT better better than TFA. Think many of these negative review are just there too belittle the movie. It is cool to hate every movie beyond four to six... You people... Rian Johnson did not fail, he did really good!

Everyone I talked with at the movie theater liked it, none rated it under 7/10. I walked out of the movie theater more hyped than I where going in.

It was creative, it was a Star Wars movie. If you have a open mind and heart when you go see it; you will enjoy it

PS: What happen to Luke is a nod to what happens in the original three.
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