Decent western flick by an amateur writer and director
14 December 2017
This is Jared Moshe's 2nd attempt at writing and directing (known primarily as a producer) and he did a decent job. Had this been the work of a seasoned director and/or writer, I would have scored this a 3/10. However, basing my rating on the merits of the film (B-grade with no major production backing), I gave it a 7/10.

The only highlight of this film was Bill Pullman's performance which was outstanding. Without him, this film would have flopped. Tommy Flanagan wasn't bad either but I've seen him do much better.

The score was one of the worst, did not belong in a western, and it was very annoying and evident when present. The screenplay was next in line to flop with major plot issues. The pace was extremely slow and makes the viewers attention difficult to hold. Had this movie been played at 1.5x speed, it would have shown better. The editing was terrible. The cinematography was lacking for the setting. The story itself had heart, and was decent.

Thus a very generous 7/10. Would I see it again? Nope. Did I enjoy it? Yes.
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