Bullet Head (2017)
A complete mess of dog poo
8 December 2017
Normally , when I see a film that is badly written, badly directed, badly conceived, badly everything, I always consider the actors last, because frankly they are only working with the material laid in front of them, following directions, spouting lines of dialogue written by someone else, etc etc.. So they usually get a pass. In this case however, I have to say that Adrien Brody and John Malkovich cannot be that broke or that desperate to sign up to this absolute shambles of a project. If they had any artistic integrity or self esteem left then they should have jumped ship or at least fire their agent for not assuring them a get out clause, rather than tarnish their careers with engaging in film making that belongs in the garbage bin of mediocrity. Even then I think the bin would protest at its newest resident. Do not let the trailer fool you into thinking ,, maybe worth a watch, you will feel conned at the end.
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