The Crown: Misadventure (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
Marriage troubles and a global crisis kick the season off splendidly.
8 December 2017
In the first episode of The Crown season 2, Elizabeth has two major problems to contend with; her husband Phillip, and the Suez Canal crisis. More specifically, she has to deal with Phillip's possible adultery and her Prime Minister's response to the Suez Canal crisis. This dual plot not only makes for an exciting way to open the season, but also highlights Elizabeth's growth as a character. By throwing her into hot water straight away, the show demonstrates how much she has changed since the start of the first season.

I personally found Margaret to be pretty irritating throughout the first season, largely due to the fact that she served mainly as a foil for Elizabeth, with little logic or consideration for the consequences of her actions. And though it's probably a little early to judge given that she only has one scene in this episode, I think I'm going to enjoy her a lot more this season. The new Margaret is bitter, sarcastic, and full of quips. I probably still won't sympathize with her, but at least she will be fun to watch.

On the whole, this is an elegant way to open the second season of The Crown. It balances the various stories very well, setting up a number of threads for the season to follow and ultimately tying them all back to Elizabeth.
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